All the surgeons and specialists at Oasis Surgical are experts in their respective fields, as well as the latest laser and cataract surgery techniques.
Learn more about each of our eye specialists by clicking on their photos below.
The only private institution in
Auckland with a Dry Eye Clinic
The latest technology and innovative practices
Experts in all aspects of ophthalmology
City Eye Specialists
City Eye Specialists
Retina Specialists
Eye Surgery Associates
Education: FRCOphth, FRANZCO
Cataract & Medical Retina Specialist
Medical Retinal Training Bristol, Auckland and Sydney
Fellow of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists (UK)
Background: Alison is one of New Zealand’s most experienced retina specialists with a particular interest in macular degeneration and diabetic eye disease. She is a graduate of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists in the UK, followed by medical retinal training in Bristol (UK), Auckland and Sydney.
The medical retina service run by Alison offers state of the art digital angiography, OCT, retinal laser, photodynamic therapy and intravitreal therapies for macular degeneration. Alison is also an experienced small incision refractive cataract surgeon and has a wide experience of general ophthalmology. When not at Auckland Eye, she also holds an appointment at Greenlane Clinical Centre.
She is a member of the Australian Retinal Society and Oceania Retinal Association and actively participates in optometrist, general practitioner and junior ophthalmology training. She also provides a medical retina service to the Cook Island community on an annual basis.
About Alison
Alison enjoys the human aspect of her work and feels that individual care is central to ensuring her patients can maximise their vision potential. Medical retina can provide the opportunity for long term relationships with patients and Alison finds it extremely rewarding to see her patients enjoying all in life that improved vision can bring.
Alison has two daughters, is married to an obgyn specialist and when not working likes to have her eyes fixed firmly on the sails or the slopes.
Education: PhD, FRANZCO
Medical Retina Specialist
Cataract & Vitreo-Retinal Surgeon
Clinical Fellow, University of Iowa, 1993-1995
Medical Retinal Diseases 1993 -1994
Vitreoretinal Surgery 1994 -1995
Background: Archie is a highly experienced ophthalmic clinician and surgeon with over 15 years experience treating diseases of the retina and refractive cataract correction. Archie obtained medical (MBChB) and research (PhD in Neuroanatomy) degrees in Auckland before training in ophthalmology in Auckland and Waikato hospitals. He then completed sub-specialty fellowships in diseases of the Retina and Vitreous at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics that consistently ranks in the
top ten ophthalmology training programs in the US.
On his return, he tutored full-time at Auckland Hospital in 1995 and 1996 before commencing private practice at Auckland Eye, where he provides assessments at Remuera, Takapuna, Albany and Red Beach.
Archie is a member of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists, the Oceania Retinal Association, the Retinal Specialists Association and the American Society of Retinal Specialists. He also regularly provides
continuing education for optometrists and GP’s.
About Archie
Archie takes particular pleasure in the maintenance or recovery of vision for patients who have eye conditions that historically were untreatable. Thanks to dramatic improvements in the quality of outcomes for cataract, surgical retina, diabetes and macular degeneration in the last decade, many of his patients are now able to live active and independent lives.
Archie’s father practiced as a GP in Mt Eden and he enjoys the continuity of treating many of his father’s
former patients many years later.
When not working hard for his patients, Archie manages to find time for photography, windsurfing, boating and skiing. He has been married for over 20 years and is the proud father of three adult children.
Education: MBChB, FRANZCO
Cornea/Anterior Segment
Glaucoma Ophthalmologist
Refractive and Complex Cataracts
Background: Dr Chi-Ying Chou is a highly skilled ophthalmologist who specialises in cornea/anterior segment and glaucoma, as well as refractive cataract surgery. He speaks fluent Taiwanese and Mandarin and can understand a moderate level of Cantonese.
Chi spent his early childhood in Taiwan before moving to Tauranga where he attended Tauranga Boys College and then the University of Otago. After graduating from Otago with a Bachelor of Medicine and a Bachelor of Surgery he then moved to Auckland to pursue speciality training in Ophthalmology.
During his training Chi worked as a registrar in Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga and Roturua, and then moved on to work as a specialist consultant (SMO) at Greenlane Clinicial Centre and Waitakere Hospital. He remains affiliated as an Honorary Fellow to the University of Auckland.
Chi has spent time furthering his specialist knowledge as a Cornea Fellow at Tennent Institute, Gartnavel General Hospital in Glasglow, Scotland and as a Glaucoma Fellow at The Royal Eye Unit, Kingston Hospital, England.
During his career thus far Chi has been committed to passing on his knowledge to others. He has previously lectured and has also published several papers and review articles. He says he relishes having the ability to help restore visual function for patients and he is especially interested in staying at the forefront of innovative procedures and treatments for complex anterior segment reconstruction/repairs.
Chi has recently joined the team at Auckland Eye and he continues to work as a consultant in Auckland DHB and Waitakere DHB. He is the Auckland representative for the Qualifications and Education Committee of RANZCO for Auckland and holds an honorary lecturer in ophthalmology at Auckland Uni.
About Chi-Ying Chou
In his spare time Chi most enjoys spending time with his family including his wife, daughter and son. When he gets a chance he’s either hitting the slopes to enjoy snowboarding, or the court to play basketball. Chi is also a keen golfer.
Education: MBChB, FRANZCO
Cornel Surgeon
Cataract Surgeon
Refractive Surgeon
Corneal Fellow, Bristol University, Bristol 1989 -1991
Background: David is an ophthalmologist at Auckland Eye, with sub-specialty expertise in cataract surgery, refractive and laser surgery, corneal transplantation, anterior segment surgery, conjunctival surgery and external eye diseases, including degenerative, infective and inflammatory conditions.
David trained in Medicine at Auckland School of Medicine and in Ophthalmology in Auckland and Bristol, UK. He undertook higher training as the Smith and Nephew Commonwealth Fellow in Corneal and Anterior Segment Surgery at Bristol Eye Hospital and attended clinics at Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, before returning to the Tutor Specialist post at Auckland Hospital Eye Department in 1991.
David is currently the Clinical Director of the New Zealand National Eye Bank. He is a part-time ophthalmologist at Greenlane Clinical Centre and a Clinical Senior Lecturer in the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Auckland. He is a reviewer for two peer reviewed journals, lectures and gives clinical teaching and is a supervisor and mentor for ophthalmic registrars in training.
Additionally, he is a tutor and supervisor for the Corneal Sub-specialty Fellowship of the Department of Ophthalmology and a member of the Australasian Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ASCRS) and the New Zealand Society of Contact Lens Practitioners.
About David
David finds that this sub-specialty has many rewards. Corneal surgery is presently undergoing an exciting period of rapid advancement with the introduction of new techniques and technologies. What’s more, advances in Intraocular Lens design have widened the ability to treat a range of previously difficult focusing problems, while he believes that the advances in the management of eye diseases such as neoplasia and chronic inflammation can dramatically improve his patients’ quality of life.
When not at work, David enjoys spending time in the hills of the Central Plateau tramping or trout fishing, or in the waters of Mercury Bay snorkeling for crayfish. David is married to Lois who is an Ophthalmic Nurse and they are proud parents of three young adults.
Education: BSc, MBChB, FRANZCO
Glaucoma Specialist
Cataract and Vision Corrections Surgeon
Refractive Surgery Fellow, Australian Institute of Vision, Melbourne, Australia 1998
Glaucoma Fellow, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London 1999-2000
Background: Dean has been a consultant and surgeon at Auckland Eye since 2000. His main interest is correcting focusing errors including short or near-sightedness (myopia), far or long-sightedness (hyperopia), astigmatism and presbyopia. This is called vision correction (or refractive) surgery and includes:
Dean is the only RANZCO recognised fellowship-trained refractive surgeon in New Zealand he is also the second kiwi ophthalmologist in history to be invited to join the prestigious International Intra-Ocular Implant Club (IIIC). His interests in new and novel surgical techniques and devices has lead to an in-depth understanding of the best surgical and non-surgical options for people wanting to reduce their dependency on glasses. Therefore, he can advise patients of the procedure best suited to them, optimising their visual potential and function. Dean is interested in special surgical techniques to maximise patient comfort both during and after cataract surgery, including microincision cataract techniques and “no–needle” topical anaesthesia, ensuring rapid recovery of visual function and comfort.
He has been instrumental in introducing new and innovative products and techniques to both New Zealand patients and surgeons. Notable career highlights are:
Dean has spent 20 years as a consultant ophthalmologist at Counties Manukau and Auckland District Health Board, and Senior Clinical Lecturer and tutor to New Zealand ophthalmic registrars. In 2009 he received an award for excellence in registrar training and is a sought after lecturer and educator by GP’s, optometrists, ophthalmology trainees and ophthalmic companies. Dean has affiliations with several ophthalmology, cataract and refractive societies and colleges in New Zealand, Australia and the USA and has lectured extensively at seminars nationally and internationally.
He has published in Scientific journal on the topics of Glaucoma and Cataract and IOL surgery.
About Dean
Outside of ophthalmology, Dean’s family is very important to him. He shares with his wife Tina 2 children – James his older son is currently studying medicine in Auckland and Gena his daughter is pursuing a career in interior design. He maintains an active lifestyle and enjoys tennis, golf, boating, diving and music.
Education: MBChB, PGDipOphthBS (distr), FRANZCO
Medical Retina Specialist
Cataract & Vitreo-Retinal Surgeon
Background: Dr Joel Yap joined our world class ophthalmology team practising at Auckland Eye in 2022. He is an eye surgeon who specialises in vitreo-retinal surgery and general ophthalmic surgery, including cataract surgery. Joel speaks Mandarin and has a particular interest in secondary intraocular lens implantation and complex vitreo-retinal surgery.
Joel grew up in Malaysia and his family migrated to New Zealand when he was 12. He completed his medical training at the University of Otago in 2007 and furthered his ophthalmic training in Auckland and other centres in New Zealand’s north island. He then went to the University of Toronto in Canada to further his vitreo-retinal subspecialist training.
In 2018, Dr Joel returned to practise at Auckland DHB and Counties Manukau DHB, sub-specialising in treating retinal diseases and vitreo-retinal surgery. Joel has a passion for clinical research and teaching, and strives to achieve the best possible outcome for the patients he cares for. He is a member of both the American and European Society of Retinal Specialists, as well as the Australian and New Zealand Society of Retinal Specialists.
He looks forward to providing excellent care and treatment to his patients at Auckland Eye, while continuing to work as a vitreo-retinal specialist in the public sector.
About Joel
In his spare time, Joel is an avid traveller who enjoys social sports, especially basketball and soccer. If given the opportunity to explore another career, he would study architecture. He also enjoys playing the piano and has two young children, Elle and Ethan, who takes up almost all of his time outside work.
Education: MBChB, FRANZCO
Cataract and Refractive Surgeon
Paediatric, Strabismus and Glaucoma Specialist
Shaffer Glaucoma Fellow, University of California, San Francisco 1994 -1995
Fellow in Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, Indiana University, Indiana 1995 – 1996
Background: Dr Justin Mora is a highly experienced paediatric ophthalmologist and strabismus surgeon dealing with binocular vision complaints in any age group. He specialises in cataract surgery, laser refractive surgery (LASIK/SMILE), paediatric ophthalmology, strabismus and glaucoma.
He is a member of American Association of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus and is involved with three Australian and New Zealand ophthalmology special interest groups – Glaucoma, Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. He is the New Zealand representative on the International Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Council and does voluntary work teaching Ophthalmologists in South-East Asia.
Justin was the Chief Examiner for the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO) for 6 years and then Censor-in-Chief (Head of Education) for another 6 years. He was responsible for revising the selection criteria and the curriculum for ophthalmology training in Australia and New Zealand and also helped develop the curriculum for Papua New Guinea. He remains actively involved in training, holds an appointment as an Ophthalmology Clinical Senior Lecturer at the Auckland Medical School and has authored or co-authored over 25 publications mainly in the areas of glaucoma, paediatric ophthalmology and strabismus. He divides his very busy schedule between Auckland Eye and Greenlane Clinical Centre
About Justin
Justin had his heart set on becoming an eye specialist by the time he was 16 years old and he says he never had any reason to regret that choice. “I imagined it as a challenging career that would allow me to make a genuine positive contribution to people’s lives and that’s certainly how it feels now. I enjoy working with people of all age groups and seeing the improvement in quality of life for people after cataract or laser surgery is wonderful. But I confess I get particular pleasure out of working with children; making a difference for a little person is especially rewarding.”
Education: MBChB, DRCPSC (Retina), FRANZCO
Cataract Surgeon
Ocular Oncologist
Vitreoretinal Surgeon
Medical Retina Specialist
Background: Born and raised in New Zealand, Riyaz completed his medical training at the University of Auckland, where he was awarded the Calvin Ring Prize for best undergraduate medical student in ophthalmology. He completed his ophthalmology training in the North Island and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Australian and New Zealand Ophthalmologists (RANZCO).
A recipient of several postgraduate travel scholarships, he received advanced surgical training at some of the world’s leading hospitals and institutions, including the University of British Columbia (Canada), Houston Methodist Hospital (USA), Royal Perth Hospital and the Lions Eye Institute (Australia). During that time, he completed the Area of Focused Competence (AFC-Diploma) program in Retina, and is the first vitreoretinal surgeon in New Zealand to have his surgical training recognised by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Canada (DRCPSC Retina).
Riyaz is one of two trained ocular oncologists in New Zealand, with expertise in diagnosing and managing ocular tumours, including uveal melanoma (choroid/iris/ciliary body), ocular metastasis and lymphoma. In addition to Auckland Eye, he provides subspecialist care at the Greenlane Clinical Centre and Middlemore Hospital. He is also strongly interested in clinical research, with many of his findings featured in local and international publications. In 2014 he focused his efforts on improving surgical outcomes for cataract patients at the Pacific Eye Institute in Fiji, through the Fred Hollows Foundation. He remains affiliated as an honorary fellow at the University of Auckland.
About Riyaz
Riyaz says the best part of being an ophthalmologist and retinal subspecialist is offering his patients hope by providing them with expert care and advice. He is highly regarded by his patients as an empathetic and professional healthcare practitioner. He always takes the time to make sure his patients understand their conditions without complex medical jargon.
Outside work, Riyaz enjoys long-distance running and has completed several marathons in Australia and North America. He also enjoys skiing and touch-rugby, but most of all, Riyaz cherishes time with his wife and two young children.
Dr Bhikoo’s area of expertise
Surgical retina:
Medical retina:
Cataracts, including complications following complex cataract surgery
Education: MBBS, MA, FRCOphth, PhD
Cataract and Strabismus Surgeon
Genetics and Strabismus Specialist
Fellow in Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, Auckland DHB, New Zealand 2019-2020
Fellowship in Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London 2017-2018
Research Fellow in Ophthalmic Genetics, Institute of Ophthalmology and Moorfields Hospital, London 2013-2016
Background: Sarah joined Auckland Eye in 2021 as a specialist in paediatrics and genetics. Born and bred in Manchester, Sarah completed her undergraduate degrees at the University of Cambridge and Imperial College London. After some years in general medicine and A&E, Sarah was accepted into the North London Ophthalmology training scheme, completing FRCOphth qualifications in 2011.
Over the next eight years, she worked as a specialist registrar at several hospitals across London including Moorfields Eye Hospital. In 2019, she was awarded a paediatric ophthalmology and strabismus fellowship with The University of Auckland, sparking her move to New Zealand. That would lead to her subsequent appointment as consultant ophthalmologist at Auckland District Health Board in 2020.
Stand-out career moments for Sarah include completing her PhD in 2016. Her research in inherited retinal dystrophies is the foundation for her speciality in genetic eye diseases and has led to further publications and research opportunities, as well as international conference presentations. She is currently one of three genetic eye specialists in New Zealand.
Over the years, Sarah has dedicated herself to training the next generation of ophthalmologists, including as a senior lecturer at the University of Auckland. Sarah is a fellow of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists, a member of the International Society for Genetic Eye Diseases and Retinoblastoma and an honorary research associate at UCL Institute of Ophthalmology since 2016.
About Sarah
Sarah says she’s been incredibly fortunate in her career to have learned from and trained with some of the world’s most renowned specialists. It’s what drives her to bring her best self to work every day. Her favourite part of the job is getting to know the people and families she works with and being able to provide them with the most advanced treatment, so they can get on with living happy and fulfilled lives.
Outside of work, Sarah’s two young daughters keep her busy. She loves adventure, taking any chance she can get to explore the Hauraki Gulf or travel to new places. In her downtime, you’ll find Sarah hitting the pavement for a run or catching up with friends.
Education: MBChB, BMedSci, FRANZCO
Medical Retina Specialist
Cataract & Vitreo-Retinal Surgeon
Cataract and Medical Retina fellow, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital
Vitreo-retinal and medical retina fellow, Sussex Eye Hospital, Brighton
Vitreo-retinal fellow, Western Eye Hospital, London
Background: Sarah took a circuitous route to ophthalmology, initially studying maths at Victoria University in Wellington. On completion of her maths degree she spent a few years training and working in film as an assistant editor. She then took another career turn and went to medical school in Otago and completed her clinical years in 1997 in Wellington through the Otago Medical School. During her time in Wellington she also completed a one year research degree in public health. Sarah then moved to Auckland Hospital as a junior doctor and spent a three month rotation in ophthalmology – she fell in love with the specialty and has been working in ophthalmology ever since.
After spending time in Auckland and Waikato as an ophthalmology registrar, Sarah went to the UK to complete her subspecialty training. In 2006 she spent six months in Exeter at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital training in cataract surgery and medical retina. She then moved to the Sussex Eye Hospital in Brighton specialising in vitreo-retinal surgery and medical retina. After a year there, she spent her final training year at the Western Eye Hospital in London for vitreo-retinal surgical training.
Sarah then returned to Auckland at the beginning of 2009 to work at Greenlane Clinical Centre as a consultant ophthalmologist specialising in medical and surgical retina. Sarah has a strong commitment to the public eye department, being the current Clinical Director of Ophthalmology as well as consulting at Auckland Eye.
As well as her adult retinal work Sarah has an interest in retinal problems of childhood and is involved in the screening programme for Retinopathy of Prematurity at Auckland City Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. She is a member of a number of ophthalmological societies including Oceania Retina Association, and the American Society of Retina Specialists. Sarah has a commitment to teaching and spends time with junior ophthalmologists and undergraduate students. She is a Senior Lecturer for the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Auckland.
About Sarah
Sarah really enjoys the mix of public and private work and the challenge of working in different environments, but most of all enjoys working with individual patients to manage or cure their eye problems.
Education: BHB, MBChB, MD, PGDipOphthBS, GradDipRefCatSurg, FRANZCO
Glaucoma Surgeon
Premium Cataract and Lens Replacement Surgeon
Background: Dr Shenton Chew’s areas of expertise include premium cataract/lens replacement surgery and comprehensive glaucoma care. He has formal refractive training and experience with a wide range of premium intraocular (IOL) options used in cataract/lens replacement surgery to reduce, or even eliminate, the need for glasses over a range of visual tasks from watching TV to reading a book. Enhancing and restoring the vision failure that a patient experiences over time is something that he finds particularly rewarding. This complements his glaucoma practice, where the goal is to preserve vision and thus quality of life for his patients who may be fearful of losing their driving license or of severe visual disability/blindness in their lifetime.
The cornerstone of Shenton’s practice-style is developing individualised and patient-focused care. One of his key strengths is his ability to communicate in an empathetic fashion that promotes understanding of the treatment offered. His two-year comprehensive glaucoma fellowship, at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London, armed him with expertise in complex glaucoma and cataract surgical techniques, including experience in the expanding field of “minimally invasive glaucoma surgery” (MIGS) using devices such as the iStent, Hydrus, and Preserflo, as well as the most current trabeculectomy and tube shunt techniques.
Shenton is also a consultant ophthalmologist at both Auckland District Health Board (ADHB) and Counties-Manukau District Health Board (CMDHB). Because of the increasing burden of chronic eye disease on our strained public healthcare system, he has a strong interest in improving the efficiency and quality of Auckland’s ophthalmology service. He uses his positions as the current chairman of the ADHB surgeons’ meeting and a board member of Ophthalmology NZ to advocate for patients that need access to tertiary level ophthalmic care.
Shenton also has a strong background in academic research, having obtained a Doctor of Medicine degree during his two-year optic nerve research fellowship at The University of Auckland and remains an honorary senior lecturer with the University. He is well published, presents regularly to international ophthalmic meetings and enjoys tutoring optometrists and the next generation of ophthalmologists.
About Shenton
Shenton grew up in rural New Zealand, but after his family moved to “the big smoke” he completed his schooling and medical training in Auckland, followed by ophthalmology training in the Auckland and Waikato regions. He has been fortunate to be the recipient of multiple ophthalmology prizes and scholarships in his undergraduate and postgraduate years. He, and his wife Nola, now have two young children, Callum and Edith, who keep them on their toes and take up most of their free time! Outside of work he enjoys keeping physically active with hobbies such as tennis, golf, weight-training and snowboarding.
Education: MBChB, FRANZCO
Specialist in eyelid and tear duct disorders (Oculoplastics)
Specialist in Cataract surgery including refractive lens surgery
Specialist training:
Oculoplastic Fellowship, Hereford, UK 2019
Observerships in Stanford (USA), and Seoul (South Korea)
Background: Sid is excited to be a member of the Auckland Eye team, and to provide specialist Oculoplastic care to the population of Auckland.
After graduating medical school (with distinction) in Auckland, Sid knew that Ophthalmology was the right fit for him. He completed his Ophthalmology training in Auckland, Rotorua, and Wellington, and was able to travel to the UK to further refine his skills in Oculoplastic surgery. Further experience followed at the prestigious Byers Eye Institute in Stanford, USA, as well as Samsung Medical Centre in Seoul, South Korea.
Sid is a very active Ophthalmologist, working across the Auckland region in public as well as private practice. He currently consults in our Takapuna, Remuera and Ormiston practices. He is also working across all three Auckland district health boards (Auckland, Counties-Manukau, and Waitemata).
He has a strong belief that doctors and patients must work together as a team to achieve the best results. This means empowering his patients with all of the relevant knowledge, discussing the options, and coming to a decision together regarding the best fit for them.
Please see Sid to discuss options for:
About Sid
Sid enjoys learning about new things in his spare time, whether it be related to mechanical things or food science. He is into all types of sports, and enjoys the outdoors with his young family when possible.
Education: BSc, MBChB, FRANZCO
Cataract Surgeon
Glaucoma Specialist
Neuro-ophthalmology Specialist
Clinical Fellow at Wills Eye Hospital
Philadelphia: Glaucoma 1990 -1991
Neuro-ophthalmology 1991 -1992
Background: Stephen joined Auckland Eye in 1994 as a specialist in glaucoma surgery and neuro-ophthalmic problems. Originally hailing from the West Coast, Stephen attended University of Otago completing undergraduate degrees in science and medicine. After his clinical years based in Christchurch, he was appointed to the Auckland Waikato registrar training program, completing FRANZCO qualifications in 1989. Following advanced sub-specialty fellowship training in glaucoma and neuro-ophthalmology for two years at Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia, Stephen returned to Auckland Hospital Eye Department as a tutor specialist in 1992. Since that time, he has combined his private practice with public commitments at Greenlane Clinical Centre, where he enjoys the ongoing challenge of training registrars, more recently glaucoma fellows, and teaching medical and optometry students.
He is a Past President (2011-2013) of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmology (RANZCO) with many years of contributing to numerous college activities including being on the Scientific Program Committee, a basic sciences examiner, in physiology, College Councillor, RANZCO Board member, Treasurer, and Vice President . He continues activities with RANZCO including the Australian and New Zealand Eye Foundation (ANZEF), and currently chairs the Trainee Progression Committee. He is also past Chairman of the NZ Branch of RANZCO, serving on that executive for many years. Stephen has previously served as Vice President of the Australian and New Zealand Glaucoma Interest Group (ANZGIG) and supports Glaucoma New Zealand. Stephen’s interest in glaucoma treatment has allowed him to participate in international multi-centre clinical trials for glaucoma medications.
About Stephen
Stephen is an established glaucoma specialist with over 25 years of practice, and enjoys the long-term relationship he builds with his glaucoma patients, but one of his greatest pleasure is restoring vision for patients with cataracts and helping to improve their quality of life. He finds it extremely rewarding to help his patients obtain and maintain good vision and prevent blindness from glaucoma.
Stephen is married and has two children. He likes to maintain an active lifestyle and is an avid cyclist participating in regular group rides and multi-day tours. He encouraged family participation in active sports including skiing. Family life includes an appreciation of good cooking, wine, gardening, and in winter, skiing. He contributes to the local community with an active involvement at St Andrews Church Epsom.
Education: MBChB, PGDip CatRefractive Surg, FRANZCO
Adult, Paediatric and General Ophthalmology
Cataract, Laser, Lens Replacement, Refractive Surgery
Strabismus Surgery
Background: Dr Stuart Carroll is a highly experienced ophthalmologist who has performed thousands of eye operations, and provides a comprehensive range of individualised treatments for his patients using the latest technology available. Since 2012, Stuart has enjoyed working as a consultant ophthalmologist at Greenlane Clinical Centre, Auckland and Starship Hospitals, before joining Auckland Eye in 2013.
After an Optic Nerve and Neuro-ophthalmology fellowship in 2005, he completed his ophthalmology training in Auckland and Hamilton. Two scholarships took him overseas to pursue subspecialist training in Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, at the prestigious Great Ormond Street Hospital in London, and the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne.
He then pursued further training in refractive cataract surgery and laser vision correction in Sydney. He is one of very few ophthalmologists in New Zealand to have a postgraduate diploma in this discipline.
His medical degree was completed at the University of Auckland in 2000, where he was awarded the Calvin Ring Prize in Ophthalmology.
Stuart has been dedicated to the training of young ophthalmologists in the role of examiner for the Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists, and also previously the chair of the Auckland registrar training programme. He is involved in international development for ophthalmology with the non-profit group Sight For All, and has travelled to teach ophthalmology in developing countries. He is a reviewer for several peer-reviewed scientific journals, has published over a dozen scientific papers and presented at international meetings. In 2017, he co-convened New Zealand’s annual RANZCO conference.
Additionally, he is a member of several ophthalmologic societies including the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists, the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons, the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the American Academy of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, the World Society of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, the Australian and NZ Strabismus Society, and the Australasian Paediatric Ophthalmology Special Interest Group. He is chair of the Clinical Management Committee and board director for Auckland Eye / Oasis Surgical.
Areas of Special Interest
Refractive Cataract Surgery
Laser Vision Correction
Childhood and Adult Visual Development
Strabismus Surgery
Myopia Control
About Stuart
Stuart has a passion for people and takes great enjoyment from his work. He feels strongly that ophthalmic care should be individualised for each patient, and that clear communication with patients and their families is essential.
“Ophthalmology was an obvious choice for me – providing equal measures of challenge and satisfaction. I especially enjoy the new technological developments that are constantly emerging in this field. Applying these new advances to patient care is a task that I find particularly stimulating. It is a true privilege and joy to care for, support, and improve the sight in my patients, especially so with children. I feel very lucky to have such a great team to work with at Auckland Eye.”
Away from work, Stuart enjoys relaxing with his fiancée, who shares his interest in travel, photography, music and art.
Education: MBChB, MD, FRANZCO, FRCOphth
Corneal Surgery
Cataract Surgery
Refractive Surgery
Corneal/Anterior Segment/Refractive Surgery fellow Auckland 2001-2
Corneal/Anterior Segment fellow Manchester/Leeds UK 2003
Glaucoma fellow Manchester UK 2003
Clinical Director of Ophthalmology for 7 years, Auckland District Health Board
Background: Sue qualified from her medical degree from the University of Bristol in 1992, then trained in Ophthalmology in Oxford and Manchester. She first came to New Zealand in 2001 for two years of subspecialty fellowship training in cataract, anterior segment, corneal and refractive surgery, and to complete her doctorate thesis in laser refractive surgery. She returned to the UK in 2003 for further corneal and anterior segment training in Leeds, followed by glaucoma subspecialty training in Manchester.
Sue is a highly renowned refractive surgeon in New Zealand and has performed thousands of cataract, anterior segment and laser operations. She has extensive experience in micro-incision refractive-cataract techniques and specialises in complex anterior segment and corneal surgery for patients who have suffered eye trauma or disease, as well as all forms of corneal and external eye disease and corneal transplantation surgery.
Sue is a consultant ophthalmologist at Auckland Eye and at Greenlane Clinical Centre where she spent 7 years as the Clinical Director. She is a senior lecturer for the University of Auckland Department of Ophthalmology and is regularly involved with training and examining medical students, junior ophthalmologists and optometrists. She is the President of the Cornea and Contact Lens Society, and has previously been the Chairperson of the Save Sight Society.
Furthermore, Sue holds memberships and affiliations with many ophthalmology and optometry colleges and societies in New Zealand, Europe and the UK, has presented over 50 lectures around the world, been a guest speaker at many conferences, published dozens of peer reviewed papers and publications, and has been involved in many leading clinical trials.
About Sue
Sue prides herself on good communication skills and strives to ensure that every patient she sees receives specific and personalised treatment. She uses the latest technology to diagnose conditions and assess the best treatment plan for each patient, and believes that the patient’s understanding of the disease is crucial in their management.
Sue’s passions outside the world of ophthalmology revolve around the great Kiwi outdoors. She is an avid fan of mountain bikes, motocross bikes and quad bikes, and loves skiing and snowboarding, not to mention exploring the beautiful remote parts of New Zealand on foot with her husband, Rob.
Education: BHB MBChB, PhD, FRANZCO
Oculoplastic and Cataract Surgeon
Background: Dr Taras Papchenko graduated from Auckland Medical School in 2002. He then developed a keen interest in Ophthalmology upon completion of two years as House Officer in the hospitals of Auckland and Waikato regions.
He has spent three years as Glaucoma and Optic Nerve Research Fellow at the University of Auckland during which time he published a number of scientific papers in peer reviewed journals and worked on his PhD thesis. Taras was awarded a PhD in Ophthalmology in 2013 from the University of Auckland.
After completing his Ophthalmology training in New Zealand, he spent two and a half years in the United Kingdom sub-specialising in the areas of Oculoplastic surgery and Neuro-Ophthalmology.
Taras has many interests, such as finding out new things in science, be it quantum mechanics or changes in vision during prolonged space flight. He is also keen to share his experience with others and has created a number of educational videos, both for his own youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/@itsallfunandgamesuntil…8006 as well as for his mentors when doing his Oculoplastic Fellowship https://www.youtube.com/@austinmccormick1973
When he does get a free minute, he likes to remember the days when he coached ice skating before life got too busy and take his niece and nephew for a spin around the ice rink.
Please make an appointment with Taras if you would like to discuss the following:
Education: MBChB, FRANZCO
Cataract Surgeon
Paediatric & Strabismus Specialist
Fellow in Paediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus, British Columbia’s Children’s Hospital, Vancouver, 1999-2000
Retinoblastoma Fellow, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, 2000
Background: Yvonne is a specialist ophthalmologist at Auckland Eye and part-time specialist ophthalmologist at Greenlane Clinical Centre. She provides services in general and paediatric ophthalmology with a sub-specialty interest in eye movement disorders and retinoblastoma, a rare childhood eye condition. To that end, she underwent two years of post-fellowship subspecialty training at children’s hospitals in Vancouver and Toronto.
Yvonne consults at Auckland Eye in Remuera. She is a Senior Lecturer for the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Auckland and a Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologist (RANZCO) Trainee Supervisor for junior ophthalmologists. She also regularly lectures and provides clinical teaching to medical students, optometrists and general practitioners.
Yvonne has also been a fellow of RANZCO since 2000, and Senior Medical Officer at the Auckland District Health Board since 2001. In this capacity she has been providing clinical and surgical services in paediatric as well as general ophthalmology. This has included the management of adult and paediatric cataracts, paediatric and adult strabismus, neuro- ophthalmic disorders, childhood vision screening and emergency ophthalmic care. She has a special interest in paediatric ophthalmology, particularly in the management of retinoblastoma, and is the ophthalmologist for the Auckland Retinoblastoma multidisciplinary group.
Educated in Auckland, Yvonne is also conversant in both Cantonese and Mandarin.
About Yvonne
An integral part of Yvonne’s position as Consultant Specialist is the teaching of medical and optometry students, registrars and colleagues. She considers providing medical education to be an important component of her current and future practice, and has found this both challenging and enjoyable. In her words, she is passionate about her role at Auckland Eye, “I very much enjoy and consider it a privilege to work within the Auckland Eye team, and believe that as a practice, we are each able to contribute our expertise and experience towards the provision of ophthalmic care to the very highest international standards.”
2 MacMurray Road, Remuera, Auckland
3 Fred Thomas Drive, Takapuna, Auckland